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La revista d’accés obert International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, RIMCIS indexada a Scopus i a Web of Science-Emerging Sources Citation Index, editada per varis membres de l’ACS, ha publicat un

Special Issue, coordinat per Garazi López de Aguileta (University of Wisconsin-Madison) i Elisabeth Torras-Gómez (UB), dedicat a la Covid19 i les ciències socials:

Approaching the Coronavirus crisis from the social sciences 


Aquests són els articles que hi podeu trobar:

Editorial: Contributions from Social Sciences to COVID-19 Pandemic López de Aguileta, G., & Torras-Gómez, E. 

 False News Around COVID-19 Circulated Less On Sina Weibo Than On Twitter. How To Overcome False Information? Pulido Rodríguez, C., Villarejo Carballido, B., Redondo-Sama, G., Guo, M., Ramis, M., & Flecha, R. 

The Concept Of Human2Human In The Response To COVID-19 Almeida, F.

Aprender A Ser Docente Sin Estar En Las Aulas: La COVID-19 Como Amenaza Al Desarrollo Profesional Del Futuro Profesorado González-Calvo, G., Barba-Martín, R.A., Bores-García, D., Gallego-Lema, V. 

The Effects of COVID 19 Process on Health Care Workers: Analysing of the Relationships between Optimism, Job Stress and Emotional Exhaustion Özdemir, S., & Kerse, G.